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IETF and W3C - The World Wide Web Consortium are organizations dealing with standards. MBONE covers multicasts. 3D can be explored at The VRML Repository (IExplore3 users need to download/install Microsoft's vrmlocx.exe). I also hope for standards in places such as Digital ID Center and All About S-MIME. Web authors might be interested in Laura's Web Zone (HTML 3.2, Java, and JavaScript books), Scott Bigham's WebTechs HTML Validator FAQ (includes pointer to WebLint) and/or Dr. HTML v4, GIF Wizard from Raspberry Hill Publishing, What does your HTML look like without graphics? and/or Bobby, A Webmaster's Guide to Search Engines, and How to Post An Ad Council Banner on your Web Site.

Some performance info about the net can be found at Internet Information Presentation, and WAN Monitoring at SLAC. Read about why I chose @Home, Lightrealm, and & pair Networks.

Cool sites include Timecast: The RealAudio Guide, Anonymizer Privary Analysis, and EarthCam. I hate email abuse so I looked into Join the Fight Against Spam!, and other items such as collected at Yahoo's junk email list and when I lived in WA state I was glad they had a junk-email law.  I paid Spam Cop to filter out over a couple hundred spams/day and used it to report many to places like - I also automatically forwarded junk received at around three dozen "spamtrap" style addresses to for automated testing.  Now I forward all my email to Gmail which has a Spam folder which works well (I can easily review it for rare false positives).

More useful sites include Deja News - The Source for Internet Newsgroups, InReference (similar to Deja News but allows ongoing notification), The URL-minder Your Own Personal Web Robot, RES-Links Finding People-Organizations-Hosts, My Virtual Reference Desk, Electric Library and:

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